September 19, 2013

iPads are up and Running

Our First day of iPads went really well.  We kicked it off with a photo of ourselves and a reading Lesson using Raz-Kids.  Our kids learned if they do the 3 reading parts in order they get more stars.  The stars on the program can be used to purchase items to decorate their own spaceship. 

Raz-Kids is a reading program that asks the students to listen to, read and/or record the book and take a quiz that applies to a "just right" book. The books in this program are given to the students according to their reading level.  Please do take the time and use this program at home.

I usually have the students read 2 books in this order.
Take the Quiz

After your child has done each step for 2 books then they can spend time on Raz-Rockets.

Have a great time listening to your child READ!