January 12, 2014

Our next Math Unit-Unit 4

Math Unit 4 Everyday Math

I just came across this awesome parent website if you ever need copies of our daily homework. Check it out!!!

As you can see it is full of ideas and items that are part of our Everyday Math Program. If you search through the site you will be able to see what we will be working on over the next few weeks.

This unit has some new routines and introductions to new skills.

First our students will be introduced to Math Messages and these are daily independent problem solving activities that our students will soon be able to do their own thinking and answer questions independently about Math.

We will be measuring with a ruler and tape measure during this unit. It's funny because my daughter is actually measuring things in the house with other things. So I see development milestone as the next step is inches and cm. so now 6-7 years learn to measure by inches and centimeters. 

How much is a foot?
How much is a centimeter?
How much is an inch?
Think of different ways to measure one object
Top to bottom
Left side to right side

Our program is a spiraling program which means we will continue to practice math facts, money and time!  Looking forward to this unit. 

Oh Spelling Words here we come!

Spelling in Mrs. Smith's 1st Grade has begun!  

Please notice the Welcome to Spelling Letter is going home.

               Week of January 13 each student will be on list 1
               Week of January 21 each student will have their own list plus the challenge words.
               Week of January 27 each student will have their own list plus the challenge words.

January 7, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all my first graders and their families!

I hope that you all have rested up. We are close to being half way through the school year.  Here are a few things about the next few weeks.

Our Curriculum in January

Our Math focus will be on measuring non-standard objects, time to the hour, half hour and now quarter hour. We will continue with counting coins up to $1.00.  We will also be writing our numbers up to 1000 through a math activity that is going to grow and grow.  This will help the students with reinforcing correct number formation, number sequencing and identify more and more number patters.

Readers Workshop
This is the month that our first graders will become "Word Detectives.  we are going to be learning about how  different vowel combinations sound is not exactly how its phonetically written. 
example:  ar as in car says the same sound as the word are.
Ok simple, but try explaining this one…
are as in hare says the same sound as in air like in hair

They will become a word detective as they learn to use certain strategies such as using picture clues, looking for chunks and/or word families, asking question like does this make sense or does that look right? Our students will use end marks and special fonts in their own reading voice to be come "better" readers.

We will also be thinkers that write.  We will be writing about our thinking.  Written responses our students are going to begin to take ownership of their own reading by a
Writers Workshop
Adding details st