December 28, 2011

Bagel's Return to the North Pole

Well is the holiday season has come and gone.  It is time to put away all our Christmas creations, traditions and most importantly (to our class) our Elf on the Shelf, Bagel.  
Bagel came to us on December 1st and moved around the classroom from day to day after flying to the North Pole at night to give reports of good or bad behavior.  Bagel has taught our children in our class to keep their listening ears on and to keep working hard at their day to day academics and behavior.  Its has been a lot of fun watching my class ooh and aww over Bagel and his magic.  My students watched as he flew from one end of the classroom to another to watch us and how we are doing.  
With one little mishap of one student daring another student to touch Bagel led our class into a week long lesson of how to write a letter.  Once Bagel was touched it took 3 days for my students to come up with a plan to write a letter to Santa asking Santa for Bagels magic back.
     (The letter will be photoed and entered here. I am currently in California visiting my mom and the letter is in Maine)  
Once that was written through a teacher directed lesson it was time for our class to write their own letters to Santa.  Yes a snail mail lesson.  One of my students did ask however why don't we just text Santa Mrs. Smith its much easier. I had to laugh and proceed with my letter writing lesson. After a few days of outlining a letter Bagel brought back special Dear Santa paper from the North Pole and the kids were able to write their own letter to Santa.  I was so pleased with the outcome.  Read-Alouds we read while working on our Santa Letters were...
Click on book

Click on book

The letters to Santa were sent home to you the parents so that you can do as you wish but all the letters were nicely written.  I am very proud of the class for taking the time to do that!
Now as the season has come to a close we will hopefully be writing to our friend who has moved to Budapest.  We also close the Christmas season with a farewell to Bagel and a save return to the North Pole.  Thank you for a wonderful month of fun and great wishes!  See you next year Bagel for another 1st grade class!

1 comment:

  1. The elf on a shelf was amazing as Ryan came home and found that we had one sitting on a wreath. After being liberated from the wreath our elf had many nightly adventures to our kids delight, and it was a great new tradition that we can't wait for next year. Thanks!
